XION’s Chain Abstraction Drives Success for Prominent Brands Through EarnOS Platform

New York, New York, July 18th, 2024, Chainwire XION’s groundbreaking chain abstraction Web3 technology enables EarnOS to transform digital advertising, driving unprecedented user engagement and brand awareness for global companies. XION, the first blockchain purpose-built for mainstream adoption through chain abstraction, announced the massively successful beta launch of the EarnOS platform...


Open Banking: Unlocking Innovation and Consumer Empowerment

Open banking is transforming the financial landscape by fostering innovation, competition, and improved customer experiences. It involves sharing financial data through secure application programming interfaces (APIs). This practice allows third-party providers (TPPs) to access banking data with customer consent, enabling the development of new financial services and products. The concept...


Unlocking the Power of Big Data in Modern Finance: How SFS is Leading the Charge

At Scientific Financial Systems (SFS), we believe that big data is the key to unlocking new opportunities and driving innovation in the financial industry. In today’s fast-paced and complex markets, the ability to gather, process, and analyze vast amounts of data is essential for making informed decisions and gaining...


DeFi: The Rise of Platforms in Emerging Markets

Decentralised Finance (DeFi) platforms are revolutionising financial services, particularly in emerging markets where traditional banking infrastructure is lacking. These platforms leverage blockchain technology to create open, accessible, and secure financial systems that operate without the need for intermediaries like banks. As a result, DeFi is gaining traction rapidly due...


Evolve Bank says ransomware gang stole personal data on millions of customers

U.S.-based banking-as-a-service giant Evolve Bank & Trust has said that cybercriminals accessed the personal data of millions of customers during a recent cyberattack. In a filing with Maine’s attorney general on Monday, Evolve confirmed that the personal data of at least 7.6 million people, including more than 20,000 customers based...


RegTech in 2024: Tools and Trends for Compliance

Regulatory Technology, or RegTech, has emerged as a crucial ally for financial institutions navigating the intricate landscape of compliance. In 2024, advancements in RegTech are revolutionizing how firms manage regulatory requirements, leveraging innovations such as AI-driven monitoring and big data analytics to enhance efficiency and transparency. AI in Monitoring and...


Blockchain Technology Beyond Cryptocurrencies – Fintech Review

Blockchain technology, which was once closely associated with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has advanced significantly beyond its initial uses. Within the financial technology sector (fintech), blockchain’s impact is profound, revolutionizing conventional financial operations. This discussion explores the multifaceted ways in which blockchain is reforming fintech, highlighting its influence on...


Quotient Gets a New Home In Snowpark Container Services

Scientific Financial Systems appreciates the power of Snowflake with the scalability, performance, and burstability that it offers our customers. With its recent Snowpark Container Services (SPCS) offering, Snowflake now provides even more value. The allure of SPCS lies not only in its promise of lower latency and enhanced security...