Low fee doesn’t equal low risk

Passive target-date funds remain a popular choice for many defined-contribution plans, often driven by the generally lower fees associated with these funds. While intuitively it may feel as if “lower cost” naturally translates into a more prudent option for plan participants, the reality is this may not always be...


Millions of Americans face a retirement income shortfall, warns Vanguard research

Millions of people are facing retirement without enough income to live comfortably and may struggle to address the issue. A proprietary model that looks at retirement readiness has been created by Vanguard for its inaugural retirement readiness report, in which it calculates rates of what it calls ‘sustainable replacement income’,...


New Jersey picks Vestwell to administer retirement savings program

Digital record keeper Vestwell continues to grow as program administrator for state retirement plans. On Tuesday, New Jersey announced that it selected Vestwell to run its Secure Choice Savings Program, a plan designed to help private-sector employees save for retirement. The partnership, which is Vestwell’s seventh state-facilitated retirement program,...