US faces worsening climate change impacts, major report warns

by Kendra Pierre-Louis, Eric Roston and Zahra Hirji The floods, heat waves, storms and fires fed by global warming are getting worse across the US and will pose increasing danger to Americans unless greenhouse gas emissions are cut sharply and swiftly. The tools to do that are available today and are being adopted...


Your clients don’t think Bidenomics has worked for them

A mere 14% of American voters currently believe that their financial situation has improved since President Joe Biden took office, raising concerns about the potential repercussions for his re-election prospects. A recent poll reveals that approximately 70% of voters perceive the president’s economic policies as either detrimental to the...


Mariner Wealth Advisors adds new growth streams with $1.8B firm acquisition

Mariner Wealth Advisors has announced a substantial acquisition that will provide it with enhanced streams for growth. The addition of Baystate Wealth Management, based in Boston, Massachusetts, adds $1.8 billion AUM but also expands Mariner’s capabilities in outsource investment management for financial advisors, one of Baystate’s key service provisions along...


When will the Fed start cutting rates? Wall Street titans disagree

Morgan Stanley economists forecast the Federal Reserve to make deep interest-rate cuts over the next two years as inflation cools, while Goldman Sachs Group Inc. analysts expect fewer reductions and a later start. The central bank will start cutting rates in June 2024, then again in September and every meeting...