Many Americans relying on insurance they haven’t bought to pay for old-age care

As America’s population ages, more people are likely to need long-term care in their retirement years and advisors need to bring up that conversation. The care issue is highlighted in a recent survey from the Nationwide Retirement Institute Long-Term Care survey, conducted in partnership with Limra, which found that some...


Fiscal tightening is risk to stocks warns Morgan Stanley strategist

Warning bells are ringing for U.S. stocks given signs that high fiscal spending, which underpinned economic growth this year, is unsustainable, according to Morgan Stanley’s Michael Wilson. The strategist — one of the most bearish voices on Wall Street — said Fitch Ratings’ downgrade of U.S. government debt last week...


Galvin launches investigation into brokers’ use of AI

The state of Massachusetts is concerned about what it calls a growing and potentially unchecked use of artificial intelligence in the securities industry. On Wednesday, Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin announced that his securities division would launch an investigation into how firms are using AI to engage with Massachusetts...


State regulators, PIABA still resist Finra remote supervision plan

State regulators and securities plaintiffs’ attorneys continue to resist a Finra plan that would allow brokerages to conduct remote supervision of their registered representatives. In March, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. released a proposal that would treat a home office from which a broker is supervising other reps as...


GOP effort to curb ESG proves unsuccessful so far

For all of the Republican Party’s furious opposition to ESG, its efforts to accomplish something on the legislative front have fallen short. At least that’s the view of Cowen Inc. analyst John Miller, who closely tracks regulatory affairs for the firm’s Washington Research Group. House Republicans held a series of hearings last month, which Miller monitored....


Inflation is weakening 401(k) savings ability for millions of Americans, says Schwab

When household budgets are squeezed, it can be hard to prioritize finances for the future when bills need to be paid today. But such is the importance placed on retirement savings by millions of working Americans that continuing to make contributions to their 401(k) remains a priority even as stubborn...