The latest in financial #AdvisorTech — November 2023

The November 2023 edition of the latest in financial #AdvisorTech kicks off with the news that Practice Intel has launched a new “growth platform” centered around quantifying the quality of an advisor’s client relationships with an all-in Relationship Quality Index, which while potentially valuable in helping advisors understand and...


Fixed income favored as US institutions bet on higher rates for the next 12 months

More than three quarters of U.S. institutional investors are expecting interest rates and inflation to remain elevated for at least the next 12 months, putting fixed income investments in pole position to generate the best returns in 2024. A new report from CoreData also reveals that these organizations are tiring...


US faces worsening climate change impacts, major report warns

by Kendra Pierre-Louis, Eric Roston and Zahra Hirji The floods, heat waves, storms and fires fed by global warming are getting worse across the US and will pose increasing danger to Americans unless greenhouse gas emissions are cut sharply and swiftly. The tools to do that are available today and are being adopted...