Fintech Product: Should You Hire A Dev Agency To Build It?

By Rishabh Singh Jain from Byldd.

Deciding how to build your product is one of the most critical choices you’ll make as a fintech founder. It’s not just about getting a working product out there. It’s about creating a secure, scalable, and compliant solution that meets the complex demands of the financial sector.

The Challenge of Finding the Right Team: Co-founder, Freelancers, or Interns?

As an early-stage fintech founder, you have several options for building your product. But each comes with its own set of challenges. Finding a technical co-founder is one path, but it’s incredibly tough to convince someone to join a business with no profit or revenue. Even if you find the right person, they may not have all the skills needed to handle the entire development process. Such as understanding financial compliance or building user flows.

Hiring freelancers might seem like a cost-effective option, but managing a dispersed team without speaking the technical language can be chaotic. Ensuring smooth integration between your frontend, backend, and payment gateways while adhering to financial regulations is no easy feat. Interns, while budget-friendly, often lack the experience needed to develop a fintech product that can withstand real-world challenges, making it risky to rely on them.

The No-Code Temptation in Fintech

No-code platforms have revolutionized how non-technical founders build MVPs. They offer speed, cost efficiency, and the ability to launch quickly. This is especially appealing for fintech founders who want to validate their ideas without burning through capital.

However, fintech products have specific requirements that no-code platforms often cannot meet. Your product isn’t just another app. It must handle sensitive financial data securely, comply with regulations like PCI DSS, and seamlessly integrate with banking APIs. As your user base grows, the scalability and flexibility required to meet these demands often outstrip the capabilities of no-code solutions. What works in the early stages can quickly become a limitation as your company scales and investors expect a more robust infrastructure.

Why Your Time is Better Spent on Sales and Strategy

Building your product from scratch, especially with a no-code platform, can seem like an attractive option. But as a fintech founder, your time is better spent elsewhere. You know your customers’ needs better than anyone else, and your expertise should be channeled into securing early sales, refining your business model, and steering the product direction.

fintech product dev agency

In fintech, securing trust and early adoption is key. Closing your first few deals will generate far more revenue than what you save by trying to build the product yourself. By focusing on sales, partnerships, and customer feedback, you’ll be able to fine-tune your offering. That will help to ensure it meets market demands while a dedicated team handles the technical side.

Why a Dev Agency is a Strategic Advantage

Agencies like Byldd focus on helping fintech startups launch investor-ready, revenue-generating products fast. They specialize in building compliant, scalable products that adhere to financial regulations while keeping development costs under control. For example, Byldd offers to launch a fintech product in under a month for less than $10K, with a track record of supporting startups that have gone on to secure backing from top-tier investors like YCombinator, Google, and Cartier.

fintech product dev agency

Conclusion: Focus on Your Vision, Let the Experts Build Your Product

While no-code platforms can offer a good start, the complexities of fintech often require more robust, scalable solutions. Partnering with a development agency not only helps you overcome the technical limitations of no-code tools, but also frees you to focus on the vision and strategy that will drive your fintech startup’s success.

Ready to take your fintech product to the next level?

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