Call Traders Scored Big Profit With Credit Card Stock

Subscribers to Schaeffer’s Weekend Trader doubled their money with AXP calls

Schaeffer’s Weekend Trader subscribers doubled their money with our American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) April 200 call recommendation in just over a month. Now that they’ve pocketed their profits, it seems like a good idea to review what went into this winning pick.

At the time of our recommendation on Feb. 4, AXP had just completed a 7.1% gap higher following the credit card company’s Jan. 26 earnings report. That post-earnings jump helped the equity clear and hold above its previous all-time high of $199.55.

We also noted massive upgrade potential and a chance for short covering. In addition, we highlighted the negative put/call volume ratio that could have unwound given the stock’s technical outperformance.

Premiums were affordable, too, in a post-earnings volatility crush. AXP’s implied volatility (IV) was in line with its 63-day historical volatility (HV). So, not only did traders double their money, they did so for a bargain.

American Express stock turned in just eight losing sessions since our recommendation. What’s more, AXP scored seven-straight record highs beginning on Feb. 22, and earlier today hit another peak of $224.69 following yesterday’s news that the company raised dividends by 17% to 70 cents per share. We recommended exiting the position today, allowing our subscribers to collect a 100% profit.

AXP Chart March 72024

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