Thanksgiving Day online sales, discounts jump

Ordering gifts online, paying by credit card. Concept online shopping, buying Christmas and New Year's presents. Black credit card, computer and christmas presents on blue sofa with festive decorations at home. Christmas and black friday shopping.Anastasiia Krivenok | Moment | Getty ImagesOnline spending on Thanksgiving Day jumped 5.5% compared...


iRobot, Nvidia, Apple and more

Check out the companies making headlines before the bell: iRobot — The stock surged 30% after a Reuters report , citing sources familiar with the matter, said Amazon is about to win regulatory approval in the European Union to move forward with its $1.4 billion acquisition of the robot...


Spending and ethics in focus

TikTok has officially launched its e-commerce service TikTok Shop in the US. Costfoto | Nurphoto | Getty ImagesConsumers are increasingly turning to social media for their shopping this holiday season, and TikTok's latest venture into e-commerce has emerged at the forefront.The platform introduced TikTok Shop in the U.S. in September...