New crypto SMA platform to launch for wealth advisors

Advisors seeking access to digital assets via a regulated platform offering crypto SMAs now have a new option. A strategic partnership between Eaglebrook Advisors, Inc., one of the largest SEC registered crypto separately managed account platforms, and institutional crypto platform Anchorage Digital has been announced. It offers access for advisors to...


Rescuing the bonds market demands an equities crash, says Barclays

Global bonds are doomed to keep falling unless a sustained slump in equities revives the appeal of fixed-income assets, according to Barclays Plc.  “There is no magic level of yields that, when reached, will automatically draw in enough buyers to spark a sustained bond rally,” analysts led by Ajay Rajadhyaksha...


US IPOs buoyed by world’s largest sovereign wealth fund

Norway’s oil and gas is helping to fuel the nascent recovery in US initial public offerings. Norges Bank Investment Management, the country’s $1.4 trillion wealth fund, was among three cornerstone investors touted by German sandal maker Birkenstock Holding Ltd. on Monday as it kicked off its $1.6 billion IPO roadshow. Together, these...