Concerns percolate about how SEC’s AI proposal aligns with Reg BI

An SEC proposal to eliminate conflicts of interest in financial advisors’ use of technology that predicts investor behavior is raising concerns about how it will work with Regulation Best Interest. A split Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-2 Wednesday to release a proposal for public comment that would require brokerages...


What higher earners need to know about 401(k) catch-up contributions

Peter Cade | Getty ImagesHigher earners maximizing savings ahead of retirement may soon lose a tax break, thanks to 401(k) changes enacted last year.If you're 50 or older, you can funnel extra money into your 401(k), known as "catch-up contributions." For 2023, eligible workers can save another $7,500 after...


raises rates by 25 basis points

The European Central Bank announced a new rate decision Thursday.Daniel Roland | AFP | Getty ImagesThe European Central Bank on Thursday announced a new rate increase of a quarter percentage point, bringing its main rate to 3.75%.The latest move completes a full year of consecutive rate hikes in the...